a message for whoever needs it: on being intuitively guided towards your fulfillment. 

Be willing to center your desires in healthy ways, by giving yourself doses of the energy that you wish to receive and experience. This means letting yourself feel into the energy of fulfillment. This means letting yourself relax in those moments when you have done all that you can do, because you know that you get to let go of control and allow your blessings to find you. This means letting yourself be optimistic about the life that you wish to craft and experience, regardless of whether or not things have started coming together for you. And it certainly means giving yourself time and space to seal out those thoughts and feelings that try to prepare you for defeat by encouraging you to start coping with a reality that does not bring you what you want. All of these things help you center your desires in healthy ways, because they prepare you for earthly fulfillment without allowing that fulfillment to wield an unhealthy amount of power over you and your approach to your daily life. Things stay healthy, because you get to stay in your flow. You aren’t binding your thoughts by telling yourself not to think of things until they happen. You aren’t giving yourself an opportunity to obsess over your desired outcomes, because you get to detach from them in those moments when you choose to tap into the energy of fulfillment, whether you’ve received what you want or not. And you aren’t allowing fear to undermine your progress, because when you choose your faith by allowing yourself to visualize your fulfillment as a foregone conclusion, you don’t give your fears any room to exist.  

Don’t underestimate your capabilities at this time, because you are meant to trust what you feel drawn to do. Your intuition is guiding you appropriately, especially in those moments when the messages seem uncomfortably simple. What matters is that the insights that find you are enough to get you towards your next stop, so let them be that. If your intuition tells you to focus on visualizing something that you desire, then do it. If it leads you to think about where you want to go, or research what you want to do, then free yourself. It’s okay not to be sure of how (or even if) this process works for you, because you only have to have faith in yourself (which strengthens your faith in the Universe), in order for things to work themselves out for you. It can be challenging to trust in this process when you’re not used to embracing it, especially when your intuition is bringing you a challenging set of insights to work through. But it’s important not to allow your uncertainty to overwhelm you during these times, especially when your willingness to take a chance on yourself will always find a way to pay off (whether it’s how you want it to pay off, or how you need it to pay off). 

This is definitely a time for you to focus more closely on keeping your energy and emotions clear, because that clarity will prove itself invaluable to your process. It isn’t enough to just manicure your mood by painting a smile on your face when there’s a grimace in your spirit, and pure rage within your body. Keeping your energy clear means staying on a frequency that makes it easy for you to listen to yourself, and you can’t do that when you’re trying to tamp down hostile feelings that need to be exposed and released. While messages from your intuition can feel loud at times, and it is certainly possible for you to build a strong enough connection to your intuition for you to feel as if it’s loud, your intuition stays quiet. It will always oblige you to slow down and still yourself in order to receive its message whenever life gets a little too unwieldy for your own good, and staying mindful of this will make your life so much easier as you move forward. So in those moments when you begin to doubt whether or not you can get the job done intuitively, transmute that doubt into helpful action by pulling back and centering yourself instead of letting it grab ahold of you, because that doubt is a message, but it’s not a message that’s meant to warn you that failure is imminent. It’s a message that’s meant to warn you that you’ve grown a bit too attached to life around you (and those discordant feelings within you), because if you weren’t tuning into that doubt, you’d be able to tune into yourself with greater ease. With this in mind, be sure to keep that same energy for any challenging feelings that try to knock you off course when your goal is to reach a destination that only your intuition can lead you to, because if you’re tuning into them, then you can’t tune into yourself, and your fulfillment lives within you.

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