Written Reiki.

As a Reiki practitioner, I take great pride in my ability to honor the practice at a very high level (my personal favorites to work with are Kundalini, Imara, and Karmic and Auric Reiki). However, I have always felt challenged to take a more personally authentic approach to my practice, which has led me to focus on deploying Reiki healing through a known medium that I’ve grown quite comfortable with using: my written words. I feel that it is an ideal approach, because it allows me to bring a level of precision to my work that only time can allow me to embrace (I’m a Mercury retrograde native). I also chose to deploy this approach, because I love doing Reiki healings, I wish to do plenty more, and I want my clientele to be able to give this work the time and space that it needs to fully and completely integrate, while getting it all done within a time frame that works for me.

In-person Reiki sessions are currently not an option.

Reiki via phone/video call/etc. is doable in theory, but as a 12th Houser (Virgo Sun, Mercury rx, Venus) with many Neptune and Uranus connections, they are a logistical nightmare because I am usually awake, focused, and most productive when everybody around me is asleep!

So, we have arrived at Written Reiki. This is made possible due to the nature of distance Reiki, which allows for this energy to be sent from a distance, with the consent and awareness of the recipient.

(you can find some info on that here and here, but I will always encourage you to do your own research and honor your discernment.)

So, how does Written Reiki work? It’s quite straightforward.

  1. Purchase the session of your choice (those can be found below) in the same way that you would purchase any other reading from me (by emailing redinktarot@gmail.com or using the Contact page), with the session you want as the subject and any relevant information in the body of your email. As with any other reading, payment is necessary for me to confirm your order, so please include your desired form of payment in the body if your email.
  2. I confirm your order and receipt of your payment, providing you with a timetable for completion on my end.
  3. Upon completion, you will receive an email with the following:
    • Instructions on how you can best integrate your Reiki healing. These are personal to you and the session that you have chosen. You may need to rest, drink more water, eat protein, ground yourself outside, wear lighter clothing, etc.
    • A reading of your energetic body, including your aura, affected chakras, and anything directly impacting the wellness of your energetic body, along with why it does so. This is a channeled reading; it does not include tarot cards or Runes. It is intended to offer you a clear and thorough description of how the Reiki energy from your particular session is meant to flow through you.
  4. As I will mention in the email, the time for you to be consciously aware of the flow of Reiki energy begins with the reading of your energetic body, ending at its conclusion.
    • Time is a major factor in this iteration of Reiki healing (as it takes time for you to rest and to unearth insights that help you with your healing process), so you should not consider yourself done with a session until you have completely read and reviewed each section of this reading at least once on two separate days.
    • Make sure you are in a comfortable and relaxed space before you attempt to begin your session. If your comfortable and relaxed space is after half a joint, a pan of brownies, a whole pizza, and a funny but shitty movie? That’s cool, because what matters most is that you are relaxed and willing to receive whatever is meant to come your way. Reading any of this while you’re distracted, running late for work, waiting for a self-checkout kiosk to open, or jammed into a crowded train however, is generally a bad idea that will affect your ability to integrate the energies from your session.
  5. There is no upward limit on how many times you can or should review this reading; the energy is there for you to receive until you are finished receiving it. If it takes you longer to finish a session than you anticipate, then be mindful of why that seems to be happening. With that said, reviewing this reading one time, over one or fewer days is not enough. Space these sessions out however you’d like and give yourself as many of them as you would like, though.
    • (it is typically not a coincidence if the same presence continues to interrupt you just as you get to the “good” part, or if you struggle to make it through a certain section without falling asleep at different points. energy blockages and shifts manifest in a wide variety of manners, and they affect people in that same wide variety of manners, too.)
  6. If you have questions about how a session works that are not answered here, you are welcomed to reach out (email or here) and ask. If enough people reach out with the same kind of question, I’ll update this page with the response.
  7. If you are interested in a type of Written Reiki session that I do not currently offer, see above. With enough feedback, I’ll either create a new service or offer a detailed and (hopefully) insightful explanation on exactly why that’s not happening.
  8. This work is meant to be thorough, and that is why time matters. Give yourself time, because lasting resolutions need time to sink into place.
    • For example, if you’ve been dealing with a blocked chakra or compromised aura for weeks, months, or years, its healing takes time to integrate. It’s a change that requires you to listen closely to yourself, or the weight of old patterns will cause your blockages to reappear and cement themselves back into place. So, be patient with yourself and keep track of your progress, so you can build onto it in healthy and lasting ways.
  9. If you are sensitive to spiritual energy, you may start to feel the flow of energy throughout your session. Remember that this is still a distance Reiki session, and you are still likely to feel effects matching a typical session in that regard. You may notice sensations within the affected areas (e.g., if you have a session focused on unblocking your root chakra, you could feel a tingling, pulsing, and/or relaxing sensation in your lower back). If you are especially sensitive to spiritual energy, you may even notice these sensations as I am preparing your reading! This happens because distance Reiki is sent as I complete the reading on my end. It isn’t received in full until you consciously allow it to integrate (for a variety of reasons), and that is what makes a thorough and patient review of the written reading so important.
  10. If you do not feel the flow of energy before, during, or after your session, you could be dealing with a spiritual blockage that takes time to reconcile, but it is fully possible that you aren’t dealing with a blockage at all. Reiki healing makes its impact, whether you are capable of directly feeling the energy on a physical level or not. Instead of relying on that feeling, focus more on how you feel guided to move on a daily basis. Note where you start seeing different perspectives, feeling different feelings, and even where you feel encouraged to take different actions. Focus on your awareness shifts – those most definitely matter.
  11. Be kind(er) to yourself. That most definitely matters, too.


Written Reiki: Aura Clearing and Chakra Alignment. ($120)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, aligning, and energizing your seven chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown) and aura. I would recommend this session for anybody who would like to cleanse and strengthen these energy centers while building their own connection to their energy body, so if you’ve been feeling out of tune spiritually and would like to learn how to make decisions that are spiritually nourishing for you while caring for yourself on an energetic level, this session is for you.

Written Reiki: Channeling Prosperity. ($85)

A Written Reiki session for anyone who is interested in aligning themselves with prosperity in all areas of their life. I would recommend this session for anyone who is interested in the following:

  • Attracting success through authenticity, self-acceptance, and experiences that are rooted in those energies
  • Allowing yourself to be seen and supported by the right people, at the right times
  • Building habits that allow you to stabilize and build upon the energy of success in your life
  • Clearing any past trauma and/or other blockages that limit your ability to attract and embrace prosperity
  • Developing a stronger connection to the experiences in your life that are meant to help you attract success in all its forms
  • Raising your frequency (i.e., living a life that attracts prosperity instead of lack) by helping you strengthen your ability to disconnect from energies that compromise your mood and distort your clarity

Written Reiki: Etheric Release. ($120)

A Written Reiki session focused on healing and releasing the ties formed with any noun or experience. This is not your typical cord cutting session, nor is it your typical Reiki session; this session includes a shadow work component that is necessary in order for you to completely integrate its energies and release whatever you wish to move on from. It’s not just about removing the undesirable experiences from your life. There is also a focus on helping you develop the strength and resources needed to seal out whatever you have released, while aligning yourself with a far more authentic and resonant path.

If you do not feel completely ready and/or willing to face and accept everything within you that binds you to another person, group, and/or experience, then I suggest you purchase something else, or working with this energy can be especially challenging; its purpose is to help you purge everything that holds you back, and this session will awaken you to those things whether you wish to see them or not.

If your goal is to release something that is rooted in generational trauma and/or limiting beliefs that span across multiple generations, then I would definitely recommend this session.

Written Reiki: Earthing and Grounding. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing and aligning your Root chakra with your Earth Star chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who has trouble with grounding themselves, feeling connected to the world around them, and/or keeping themselves moving at a desired pace. As this session is focused on improving your ability to ground yourself, I would also recommend it to anyone who feels the need to ruminate less and listen to their body more.

(Whether or not you are familiar with my Written Reiki sessions, don’t be surprised if this one takes you a bit longer to fully integrate than you expect it to, as it is deeply grounding in its own right, and grounding oneself always takes time.)

Written Reiki: Nurturing your Creative Spirit. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, and awakening you to the gifts and depths of your Sacral chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Clearing past traumas and other heavy energies/experiences
  • Developing a healthy relationship with sexual energy (including your own sexuality)
  • Developing a stronger sense of emotional stability; feeling more deeply connected to the best ways for you to self-soothe
  • Establishing a stronger and deeper connection to your intuition
  • Feeling comfortable within themselves and their body
  • Feeling connected to the energy of passion and your own passions
  • Freeing yourself from doubt
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of your own creative gifts and how to best apply them
  • Learning how to trust yourself and your innate sense of timing

Written Reiki: Strengthening your Vitality. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, and awakening you to the power of your Solar Plexus chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Affirming your sense of self
  • Breaking through any sluggishness/loss of vitality, especially after dealing with difficult and/or stressful experiences
  • Cultivating willpower
  • Developing a healthy ego
  • Developing your own sense of confidence and charisma
  • Sealing out unwanted energies, influences, and experiences
  • Taking your power from situations that have run their course in your life and/or areas in your life where you have overextended yourself
  • Transforming faith into action

Written Reiki: Caring for your Heart Space. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, aligning, and awakening you to your Heart chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Allowing new and beneficial connections to form with people in all areas of your life – personal professional, romantic
  • Choosing and embracing love in all its forms
  • Developing your own brand of self love
  • Developing and/or healing your ability to trust in others
  • Feeling emotionally connected to those around you
  • Feeling joy towards yourself and the world that you live in
  • Forgiving yourself and those who have wronged you
  • Releasing heavy emotions and patterns that keep you stuck around them

Written Reiki: Expressing and Embracing your Divinity. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, aligning, and awakening you to your Throat chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Clearing your mind and actively listening to yourself
  • Communicating effectively in verbal and nonverbal manners
  • Embracing the power of your mind and using your thoughts to help shape your reality
  • Listening to others thoroughly and patiently
  • Nurturing any clairaudient gifts that you may have (e.g., hearing messages through music or other forms of media, hearing spirits, etc.)
  • Recovering your voice after being silenced by traumatic/unjust events
  • Speaking your truths and receiving truths from those around you

Written Reiki: Seeing is Believing. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, aligning, and awakening you to your Third Eye chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Building a stronger connection to your intuition and any clairvoyant gifts that you may have
  • Detaching from the mundane and learning how to view things from a higher perspective in your own way
  • Developing and/or strengthening your own ability to visualize and consciously tap into the energies from your visualizations (so when you visualize yourself having a great day, you actually start to feel it, too)
  • Developing a healthy connection to your imagination and its power to help you manifest desired outcomes
  • Learning how to see things around and within you for what they truly are
  • Protecting yourself spiritually

Written Reiki: Accessing your Fountain of Wisdom. ($85)

A Written Reiki session focused on clearing, healing, aligning, and awakening you to your Crown chakra. I recommend this session for anyone who is interested in any (or all) of the following:

  • Accessing higher states of consciousness (e.g., being mindful of your thoughts and feelings instead of reactionary, entering a flow state, embracing radical acceptance)
  • Developing a balanced approach to spiritual and practical manners
  • Embracing the interconnectedness of everything around us
  • Feeling connected to the Divine
  • Feeling at peace with your place in the world
  • Learning how to synthesize wisdom from your own life experiences; developing a connection with any claircognizant gifts that you may have
  • Learning how to transcend your earthly limitations in order to be unconditionally loving towards yourself and true to yourself (and therefore, embodying those energies whenever you interact with those around you)

(If you would like any session to pay especially close attention to any of the aforementioned subjects, please make a note of this while purchasing.)

Note: Before attempting to purchase any sessions for the higher chakras (throat, third eye, and crown), I recommend developing and establishing your own grounding routine, purchasing the Earthing and Grounding session, or both. It is necessary for you to establish a strong energetic base (Root chakra) before taking on these energies, because your ability to stabilize them and maximize these sessions is dependent entirely on your ability to stabilize yourself.

Donation-based Reiki sessions:

These are for the same rate as my other donation-based services ($22.22). The donation-based Reiki sessions that I currently have available are as follows:

  • Distance Healing – A general Reiki session focused on clearing your energy, connecting you to yourself, and addressing any imbalances in your energy body.
  • Cord cutting – A Reiki session focused on helping you sever ties with a noun (person, place, or thing) that has run its course in your life. A milder form of Etheric Release.
  • Return to oneself – A Reiki session focused on helping you ground and stabilize your energy so you can be present in your body without being overwhelmed by life around you. A milder form of Earthing and Grounding; pairs well with any cord cutting session (not just the ones that I offer).
  • Integration – A Reiki session that can be paired with any personal reading that you purchase in order to better integrate its insights and any work that you do to build yourself up (for example, if you were to pair this with Embracing the Shadows, then you would receive a Reiki session that helps you become more aware of your shadow side and how to work with its energies).